Dinner w/ the Doctor Package
A “Dinner with the Doc” can be a very effective and fast way to generate new patient leads. Advertising a Free dinner and seminar on Non Invasive solutions to patients back pain can generate 15-35 patients per dinner. This will generally lead to 7-12 new patients per dinner that enroll in your program.
This package includes
1) Newspaper ad promoting the Dinner
2) Dinner Registration forms
3) Power Point to Follow during the dinner
4) Training, tips, and protocol for how to do it right
Dinner W/ Doctor Forms
These Dinner W/ Doc Forms are all you will need to run a successful dinner that generates new patients. These forms will ensure that you don’t forget any materials, you capture all the necessary information to follow up with these patients, and contains educational materials that patients can take home to further educate and incentivize them to go to your website.
Seminar Power Point
This seminar power point is the perfect way to present an effective Dinner w/ Doc in a way that is entertaining, maintains interest, educates and presents the patients options, and shows why spinal decompression is the best alternative for most prospective patients. This seminar can be given to any group of prospective patients, is about 45 minutes long, is easy to follow, keeps you on track, does not sell, isn’t pushy, and contains special offers for seminar attendees.