3Decompression- Patient Education
The world’d most comprehensive spinal decompression education system. Some of the country’s most renowned animators and educators have created features such as
- An comprehensive 3D library showing extensive detail, animations, and descriptions of most back and neck conditions
- The ability to quickly and easily draw on the animation to show special emphasis
- Printable and emailable images and descriptions will ensure patient education, understanding and follow through
- 3D images and animations showing the long term effects of leaving certain conditions untreated
- 3 D animations showing showing patients exactly how spinal decompression works, why it works and why it is a long term success for many patients
- Quickly and Easily give them a custom rehab program to ensure long lasting results
- Take home educational materials can help to educate spouses that couldn’t attaend the consultation
STILL HAVE QUESTIONS??? NO PROBLEM! Go to http://decompressionpros.com/3decompression/ to learn more