Did you know that spinal decompression is one of the most-researched areas of a chiropractic or physical therapy practice? It’s true. Because spinal decompression has been around for quite a while and has been through a couple different theoretical revolutions, there is a fairly large body of research behind the treatment.
And that is good news for you because it means you can start using that research to enroll more spinal decompression patients right now. Here’s how:
Step 1) Read the research. Just start Googling and you’ll find a lot of information about spinal decompression. Some of our favorite pieces of research can be seen in
this post. You can’t tell your clients about something you don’t know, so start reading!
Step 2) Talk about the research with your staff and other friends. After you’ve done your reading you actually need to practice talking about it. Understanding research and being able to explain it are two different things. Odds are you’ll be pretty excited about what you learn so this step won’t be too hard.
Step 3) Brainstorm ways you can work the research into conversations and interactions with patients.Just because you know something doesn’t mean you’ll know how to bring it up. Brainstorm several ways you can bring up the research in conversation with your patients. Then start thinking about other interactions you have with your patients—emails, advertising, in-office brochures, etc. Make the research readily available.
Step 4) Start talking up spinal decompression research with your patients. You’ve done all the prep work, now it’s time to start telling your patients. Work it into conversation and make it memorable for them. They’ll start telling their friends and acquaintances which will then open up opportunities for word of mouth referrals.
Step 5) Put it in your marketing materials.The best way to enroll more spinal decompression patients is to beef up your marketing materials. Make their content substantial by putting the research in there and letting your prospective patients in on a great secret: spinal decompression works!
When using research make sure the research is specific to your patient’s condition. For example if the patient has a degenerative disc then reference three research articles that explain disc degeneration. The first should show that a negative pressure is created. The second should explain how decompression re-hydrates discs up to 30%. Then finally show them the research article that demonstrates the long-term success of spinal decompression. By using specific research for their condition you will resolve ANY of their concerns about the potential success of THEIR condition. For more information check out our
research package for more Disc Degeneration, Disc Herniations, Patient Satisfaction and Long Term Results.
There are so many misconceptions about chiropractors in general and about spinal decompression in particular that all chiropractic doctors need to work constantly to educate people. Using the research is a great way to do that and build your practice at the same time.
How do you use research when talking with patients and prospective patients? Do you have any favorite studies?
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