Decompression Pros — #decompression

Stop Overselling Your Decompression Program

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Have you considered that in your eagerness to fill your clinic with spinal decompression patients that you may actually be pushing potential customers away? One of the easiest ways to push prospective patients away is overselling. Overselling often communicates desperation and a desperate practitioner does little to instill confidence in prospects. This post reviews ways you can stop overselling, present your self in a more confident and trustworthy manner and add more patients to your client list. Schedule Consultation During Busy Practice Hours When consumers are shopping, nothing is less impressive that an empty store and an empty parking lot....

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5 Ways to Stop Wrecking Your Spinal Decompression Practice

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Are you seeing more prospects, but converting less to patients? It’s easy to blame a low conversion rate on the economy, but as we point out in this post, the problem may be you. One of the easiest ways to wreck your Spinal Decompression practice is to SELL patients. Applying pressure or scare tactics will result in more patients walking OUT the door than walk IN the door. That’s why we advocate that you stop selling, start educating and stop pressuring. To help you avoid losing patients and to reverse the trend to start gaining more patients, we’ve listed 5...

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Common Questions Research Can Answer

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Not every potential patient you see is ready to commit to your treatment program. On the contrary, many initial consultations are filled with questions. The inability to answer those questions persuasively can result in lost business opportunities. One of the most effective means of answering patients’ questions about spinal decompression therapy is to refer to the experts by citing the results of clinical studies. In this post, we’ve listed common questions and how research can be used to meet them. Common Questions and Suggested Answers Question: Is spinal decompression therapy effective? Answer: Clinical research has documented successful results with spinal...

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5 Research Musts for Patient Consultations

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If you use research results during your face-to-face patient consultations, are you convinced that it is effective? Are you effectively addressing the patient’s questions and concerns? Do they understand what you are telling them? Presentation of research results during the patient consultation process can be one of the most effective approaches for addressing patient questions and concerns. However, the use of research data is also one of the most under utilized tools during a consultation process. And, in many instances, even when included in the consultation, the presentation of research findings is often ineffective and not easily understood. This post...

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Using Research to Market Your Clinic

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Spinal decompression candidates aren’t always an easy sell. In fact, many are reluctant, afraid or just highly skeptical. All of the above patient types share one common characteristic. They don’t know the facts about spinal decompression. How you use research as a marketing tool in your clinic can be a powerful tool for turning the hard-to-sell candidate into a willing, eager patient. Here are some ways to use research as a deal maker. 1. Get Objective with Your Use of Research It is one thing to drop research results during a conversation; it is another to use it to target...

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