Make the Initial Phone Call Count

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How many times do you receive an initial phone call from a prospective patient, and then never hear from them again? We’re betting it happens a lot. In our experience, far more initial phone calls can lead to patient conversions if your receptionist always incorporates key elements during the call. In this post, we provide elements to include in those first-time-caller phone inquiries that will help you increase your conversion rates. The first step in making the initial call more productive is to understand that just because someone is calling your clinic, doesn’t mean he or she has made a decision to enroll in your program. Patients today actively pursue information and do a considerable amount of “comparison shopping” before making a decision concerning health care. If your initial calls include the following key elements, you are more likely to make an impression that will help you stand out from the competition. Gather Important Patient Information. We can’t say this enough. Get the patient’s “vital statistics.” Just as vital statistics are important to treatment options, vital statistics are important to business outcomes. Ensure that your first-call vital statistics collection includes the following. • Condition. Determine the reason for the call. The caller may not be able to name a specific diagnosis, but they can easily describe their symptoms. • Prior Treatment. Determine if they have sought other forms of treatment and what their experience has been. • Marital Status. A decision to enroll in a spinal decompression program is more often than not a joint decision involving both the husband and wife. • Contact Information. Don’t conclude the call without gathering the caller’s address, phone number and email address. Provide Information Specific to the Caller’s Condition The goal of information sharing is to convey positive results related to the callers individual needs in order to establish empathy and build trust and confidence in your services. • Condition. Spend some time discussing their issues to better understand their needs and to let them know that the clinic has had success with their condition. • Prior Treatment. If the caller has tried other forms of therapy without satisfactory relief, describe how the clinic has helped others with similar circumstances. Explain the Process Describe for the caller what they can expect in terms of an evaluation, consultation and program options to provide a clear picture of what the program entails and their level of commitment. People want to understand what they are getting into and whether or not it can fit their schedule and allow them to meet other commitments. Offer to Send Additional Information Determine the caller’s level of understanding about and confidence in spinal decompression treatments. Offer to send patient educational materials and share patient testimonials. With more information about the treatment and the program available to both the caller and their spouse, the more comfortable they will feel about making a commitment to begin treatments. Offer to Schedule an Appointment Don’t let the call end without offering to schedule an appointment. Suggest a few specific dates and times for which the clinic has an upcoming opening. Encourage the caller to include his or her spouse in the initial meeting. Follow Up Follow up by thanking the caller for their interest. Summarize your understanding of their issues and how you have helped others with like problems. Provide educational materials and links to additional information on your website. Include a map to your facility. Setting up a standard first-call policy can make a significant difference in your conversion rate. Make the initial call count. What’s your initial call conversion rate? For a comprehensive compilation of proven phone scripts, from beginning to elite, visit

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