Decompression Pros — spinal decompression

How to Ask for Referrals from Medical Doctors

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There isn’t a single chiropractor or physical therapist in business who doesn’t know that referrals are the single best way to build patient enrollment. If you aren’t asking for referrals from your clients, you should be and if you aren’t asking for referrals from medical doctors, you should start doing that too. Asking for referrals from medical doctors can seem tricky but it’s actually a fairly simple process: Step 1.Build relationships of trust with medical doctors. You can’t ask for something if you don’t have a relationship with them. Step 2. Come to a general understanding of how they help...

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How to Talk About Spinal Decompression with Medical Doctors

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When networking with medical doctors, chiropractors can sometimes feel like they are at a disadvantage. Medical doctors often feel like their style of treatment is more acceptable and therefore have a hard time understanding chiropractic doctors. However there are some easy things you can do to help medical doctors understand the benefits of spinal decompression without either of you getting put out. Keep it to the science. Any doctor values science and research, so talk about the human body and what you know about it.  You may believe in chi or auras or any other number of “less scientific” factors...

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Have Dinner with a Doctor and Boost Your Spinal Decompression Enrollment

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Stereotypically speaking, most people believe that medical doctors and chiropractic doctors are constantly at odds. After all, most people believe that if you believe in chiropractic care you are some sort of lunatic who discounts all scientific evidence and if you are a medical doctor you believe all chiropractic care to be nothing more than snake oil. But when it comes right down to it, those stereotypes are often false. Both medical doctors and chiropractic doctors believe in healing people—and that’s what you can build on to boost your spinal decompression enrollment. Having dinner with a medical doctor can open...

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Decompression Marketing Tips from the Pros

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Marketing their chiropractic practice and spinal decompression clinic is one of the hardest things for most doctors. After all, they went to school to learn how to be doctors , not marketers.  Be honest with yourself, when you imagined becoming a chiropractor did you ever stop and think about how much marketing that would require? Probably not. However, you can become an expert marketer of your business. Once you understand a few simple concepts you’ll find that it’s easier than you thought. Tip #1 Marketing is all about message. You need to know what exactly it is that you are...

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How to Talk About Research So Your Patients Understand

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The famous writer and playwright, George Bernard Shaw, famously said, “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” This is true for all communication but especially when it comes to educating your patients about spinal decompression. You can talk and talk, but if you don’t make a special effort to ensure their understanding they’ll be lost. Next time you are explaining spinal decompression research to your patients, try these tips to make sure they understand what you mean: 1.       Don’t use jargon. Every industry has its own set of specialized terms. Just like you...

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