Think back to the last big ticket item you bought. Maybe it was something like a car or even your spinal decompression table. Whatever it was you probably followed a somewhat predictable sales pattern. First, you were attracted to the product and you met with the person selling it. Then they showed you the product and tried to sell you on its features and benefits. You probably had some questions and reasons you weren’t ready to buy. They talked about those with you and either worked through the objections and closed the sale or they talked with you and didn’t overcome the objections and you walked away without spending any money.
This is actually a fairly typical sales model. Good salesman the world over know this process inside and out and actually anticipate it well ahead of time so that they can successfully close more deals.
Even though you are a doctor and not a salesman, to make your spinal decompression practice profitable you need to think like a salesman and use the process illustrated above to your advantage.
Think back to the last time you brought on a new patient. The probably followed a similar sales path to the illustrated above
. Whether they came onboard as your patient or not probably had a lot to do with how well you worked through their spinal decompression objections.
Let’s work through a couple examples. Here are what we think of as the biggest spinal decompression objections:
1) Is it safe? Everyone has heard those sensational spinal decompression legends of vertebra being pulled apart causing a fracture, discs being herniated because the machine pulled to hard or even paralysis from faulty equipment or poor supervision. One popular TV show even went so far to interview a man who underwent decompression and ended up with a compression fracture. What they failed to mention is the man had cancer in the spine which had left the vertebra ready to break at any time. Most patients wouldn’t realize that a gentle distraction force couldn’t cause a compression fracture as that is the complete opposite of what the table is doing.
Be prepared to overcome this objection with explanations of all the safety protocols you follow. Also know that often times some of the bigger tables such as the DRX9000, AccuSprina and other tower tables can be very intimidating to some older patients. Sure we know it’s safe and gentle. But remember patients need to be convinced that it is 100% safe, gentle and relatively risk free.
2) Does it really work? Again, there are so many negative stories about chiropractic care that you will have to expect to overcome doubts on the part of your patients, especially if patients know that you are a chiropractor.
That’s when at least 4 research pieces and a minimum of 5- patient testimonials are essential; make sure you have those things readily available.Consider placing patient testimonials on your walls, in books, on your website, at the front desk, in mailers and even in a plaque in front of the toilet when they sit down. Nothing does more to overcome objections than to hear how decompression helps people.
It’s too expensive. This is a hard one because when it comes right down to it, you can’t change their money situation. But you CAN instill so much value that they wouldn’t want to spend their money on anything else. Here are a few good response for when patients say that it’s too expensive.
- “Our prices are higher than other specialties and maybe even higher than some other clinics. Let me tell you why.”
- “We’re very proud of our fees. They reflect the quality of the care and service we provide for our patients.”
- “Our office uses the best in true spinal decompression tables and the most advanced technology to get you better as soon as possible (lasers stim, nutrition, etc.). We also use the highest grade nutritional products to speed recovery. And we are trained in the newest and most effective rehabilitation techniques to ensure a more permanent, longer-lasting outcome. These things cost a little bit more, but we think you’re worth it.”
- “We believe you get what you pay for.”
- “We offer the finest treatment available.”
You can work through patients concerns about money by instilling value and by setting up payment plan options and being able to easily explain them.
How do you overcome patient objections? What do you find most helpful?
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