How Research Can Increase Patient Conversions by up to 15%

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Are you being confronted with tough questions from back pain prospects that you never had to address before? Do they seem skeptical? Have you noticed that it is becoming harder to convert “shoppers” into patients? How you address the concerns of today’s prospective patients can make a big difference in your conversion rates. In this post, we discuss why prospective patients with back or neck pain can present a challenge and what you can do to convert more prospects into patients and grow your practice. Why the Tough Questions? Access to information via the Internet has changed the way patients approach treatment choices. In the past, patients had little access to medical information and were content to rely upon their practitioner as their primary source of information. The Internet changed the game dramatically. Because patients now have access to unlimited sources of information on the web, their behavior has shifted from trusting novice to informed consumer. According to a recent PEW poll, health care is the number one category of information sought on the Internet. Patients are doing their homework by researching articles, videos, reviews and more. Why the Skepticism? Dealing with an informed prospective patient is one thing. Dealing with one who is misinformed is another. While the Internet has done wonders to increase the medical fluency of the average person, it unfortunately does not weed out inaccurate statements, unfounded opinions and negative “attack campaigns” from competitors. Anyone can say just about anything on the web; censorship is rare and nearly impossible. Just Google “decompression therapy” and read some of the opinions posted on hundred of sites and you’ll understand how misguided posts, when read by others, can lead to skepticism. How to Covert More Prospects If you want to convert more prospects, and build a thriving decompression clinic, you have to be the expert. You have to educate patients about spinal decompression therapy. You have to know more about spinal decompression therapy than the best-informed patient and you have to be able to cite valid, credible references to support your opinion and your advice. The body of clinical evidence supporting the efficacy of spinal decompression therapy is substantial and growing. Here are some highlights: • Success rates of up to 86% • 90% of spinal decompression patients would recommend the treatment to others • Studies have confirmed an increase in disc height as a result of a series of decompression treatments • Studies have confirmed a reduction in disc herniation size following spinal decompression therapy • Long-term studies report positive results as long as 4 years following treatments Research is the one tool at your disposal that will enable you to answer the tough questions, sway the skepticism and encourage patients to commit to treatment. If you stay abreast of the literature and cite authoritative publications, you will instill confidence in patients that need to be convinced that they are going to experience relief from pain and receive value for their money. How do you respond to skeptical patients? To access examples of the powerful research articles we use on a daily basis to convert even the toughest of patients, go to

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