Decompression Pros — Practice Management

5 Tips for a STAND OUT Spinal Decompression Newspaper Ad

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Did you know that over 104 million adults read the newspaper every day? And that 61% of young people read the newspaper every week? SOURCE That’s a lot of people looking at stories and that’s a lot people looking at ads. YOUR spinal decompression ad should be one of them. When it comes to finding a solution to their neck or back pain , many people start with what they see in the newspaper. The newspaper is a natural fit for your advertising because it consistently reaches your target demographic: 50-80 years old and retired they have the time, pain...

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Improve Your Chiropractic Intake Process in 3 Easy Steps

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Being a chiropractor and spinal decompression specialist often means being more than just an expert in your field of treatment. You also have to be an expert marketer, business owner, and office manager.  Today we’ve got some great tips that will make you a better office manager—specifically by improving your chiropractic intake process. Try these 3 easy steps: Step 1. Look for inconsistencies. If you have any inconsistencies when it comes to your intake process you need to iron them out. Make it the same for every patient. Step 2. Consider software. Keeping records of all the information a patient...

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The 5 Steps of the Spinal Decompression Patient Process

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One of the places many spinal decompression doctors  experience inefficiencies is in their patient process. Many times the doctors model it after what other chiropractic offices or chiropractic consultants are teaching.   What chiropractors really need to understand is that the medical model of business has worked forever.  The chiropractic model is not a very successful model for most chiropractors.  If you want a model that works which model do you think patients are most likely to know and follow:  the medical model of course.  Here are the 5 Basic Steps of a successful spinal decompression  Patient Process. Step 1. The...

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Boost Your Revenue Through Medical Doctor Referrals!

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You remember all those old Doctor, Doctor jokes right? You know the ones, “’Doctor, doctor, can I have second opinion?’ ‘Certainly. Come back tomorrow!’“ Or, “‘Doctor, doctor, I feel like a pack of cards.’ ‘I’ll deal with you later!’” Sometimes the way chiropractors view the medical establishment looks an awful lot like that. We think that medical doctors just give knee-jerk responses and avoid the real needs of patients.  Chiropractors also tend to think that medical doctors enjoy having these often depressed, “whiney”, chronic pain patients come in month after month to fill their prescriptions that aren’t working only to...

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How to Ask for Referrals from Medical Doctors

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There isn’t a single chiropractor or physical therapist in business who doesn’t know that referrals are the single best way to build patient enrollment. If you aren’t asking for referrals from your clients, you should be and if you aren’t asking for referrals from medical doctors, you should start doing that too. Asking for referrals from medical doctors can seem tricky but it’s actually a fairly simple process: Step 1.Build relationships of trust with medical doctors. You can’t ask for something if you don’t have a relationship with them. Step 2. Come to a general understanding of how they help...

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